selfPortrait - 2024, Raspberry Pi 4 and Two-Way mirror with monitor, 21"x 13.10"x 2.10", infinite duration

The piece functions as a mirror, with simulated condensation from an implied breath filling the center of the glass screen in regular intervals; a crude face appears to be drawn into the foggy glass by an invisible hand, its expressions determined seemingly at random, until the image fades.

The first clip was captured by me in studio, the second is from Jonathan Duff.

Nested_if - 2018-2024

Printer and inkjet prints, dimensions variable

The prints are arranged informally around the printer, as if spilled. They each display a unique, individual instance of a procedurally generated scene typically associated with children’s crayon drawings of home. Each such image was generated from a single node of Perlin noise and a series of simple rules arranged into a complex sequence that yields practically infinite permutations of the scene.

This video was captured in 2024 by Jonathan Duff.